peonies in May

Monday, May 28, 2012

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May - Chanel

There is something about freshly washed, crisp sheets and peonies from the farmer’s market…
Talking about peonies, this made me laugh so hard! I should get this framed or something


PS: Here are the pictures I did for Chanel 'April'

sweet escape

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Untitled Untitled marketcol3

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One of my favorite things to do is going to the farmer’s market. It’s a sweet escape from reality where everything smells, looks and tastes nice. I always find myself going home with fresh fruit and flowers. 

At the moment it is rhubarb season and I can’t get enough of it. Rhubarb galette was by far my favorite thing to make (I will post about it very soon) and it turned out wonderful. 
Does anyone have another great rhubarb recipe?



Wednesday, May 9, 2012

mars 4 054 - CopiePS mars 4 030 - CopiePS mars 4 009 - CopiePS mars 4 037 - CopiePS mars 4 026 - CopiePSS mars 4 075 - CopiePS mars 4 110 - CopiePS mars 4 049 - CopiePS mars 4 089 - CopiePS
pictures taking back in March (last time I saw the sun)

Trench - H&M
Shoes - Primark
Sunglasses - H&M 

It’s been a long time since I’ve shown my face around here. It’s not easy taking outfit pictures when it’s raining all the time. This has to be the worst Spring in ages (I read somewhere it’s colder now than on Christmas day!). All I want to do is wear dresses and sandals like last year


April showers...

Friday, May 4, 2012

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 nailpolish: 'Aqua Cool' by Rimmel London

.... bring May flowers.
That's what they say, right?

Forget-Me-Knots are my mom's favorite flowers. Like daisies, you can't buy and plant them in your garden. They just sort of pop up everywhere once the sun starts to shine.
Then you know it's Spring.

Happy Friday,
Come a little bit closer, hear what I have to say. Just like children sleepin', we could dream this night away.
Harvest moon - Neil Young

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