The countryside on an autumn day

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

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Fleet Foxes - Bedouin Dress

Pants - Zara
Shirt - H&M
Coat - H&M
Shoes - Minnetonka

Here are some pictures from my weekend.
We had beautiful weather so I decided to enjoy it to the fullest.

First of all we went to the English store to pick up the last goodies for the Halloween party and some canned pumpkin. I made (and ate) pumpkin pie for the first time! It was just how I imagined it: smooth, delicious and very cinnamon-y! I’ll make another post about it soon ;)

Also, I’m in love with that Fleet Foxes song. Seriously, I listened to it all weekend long…

Hope you had a great weekend too,



  1. Beautiful pictures! You just had pumpkin pie for the first time, yay! What recipe did you use?

  2. beutiful! I have never had pumpkin pie, it is not really a thing in Australia. I would so love to try some though!

  3. love your shoes!

  4. These pictures are breathtaking. I looove the color of your jacket and your shoes are adorable.


  5. what a lovely place to spend the weekend in... I love your mocs!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  6. beautiful pictures wow!! I wish I had such a great camera to take beautiful pictures with!
    Farrah's Muse

  7. I like your style,wonderful autumnal photos!
    Take a look at my blog, and if you like it follow me, I’ll be waiting for you!

    Cosa mi metto???

  8. wow I love the photos.. You manage to show something positive about autumn! love it!

  9. I love this post!
    Your style and vibe are great, would love it if youd check out my blog and follow me back if you like!

    It features my recently launched scarf line 'Charlotte&Lisa'

  10. you're always visiting such pretty places! so awesome :)

  11. DIVINE photos! I love the countryside in the autumn....and I especially love horses! PRETTY PRETTY!

  12. Lovely photos dear, the leaves are gorgeous!

  13. I live in FL, where the leaves do not spectacularly change color. It's sad, but true. At least we have pumpkin pie here too... silver lining.

  14. I love Fleet Foxes! Saw them live a few weeks ago :) I love your pictures btw, where are they taken!? I wanna be where you are

  15. just stumbled on your blog and i love how great all your pictures are.
    that mustard coat is amazing
    if you'd like, check out my blog

    Kait xo

  16. Wonderful photo! :-) I like your blog, and I have decided to follow you! Take a look at my blog, and if you like it follow me, I’ll be waiting for you! :-)

    Fashion Crazy Ball and My Facebook Page

  17. What a beautiful place, so glad to hear you enjoyed it. I can't imagine living near somewhere like this. The leaves don't really change in Phoenix either.. so sad. but we have cacti. and lots and lots of palms trees. Oh, great coat color too!


Merci beaucoup!

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